shame on burger king!
From a UCC Justice and Peace Action Network newsletter: You probably also know that after much work and a successful boycott, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) won an agreement with Taco Bell...
View Articleucc letter on science and faith
John Thomas, President and General Minister of the United Church of Christ, has this month released a pastoral letter written in consultation with the UCC Science and Technology Network entitled A New...
View Articleucc radio ad
Check out the new national radio ad being released by the United Church of Christ on Sirius Satellite Radio: Telephone Tree I think it’s funny … and inviting! What do you think?
View Articleobama on his pastor
I have been thinking about how best to respond to folks who ask about the flap over Barack Obama and his former pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. But Obama himself has...
View Articleucc runs an ad
The national office of the United Church of Christ is raising $120,000 ($82,600 raised as of March 31, 12:00 noon) to run a full-page ad in Wednesday’s edition of the New York Times. The ad is a...
View Articlemore on jeremiah wright
Here are some of my reflections on the widespread condemnation of Rev. Jeremiah Wright based on video clips of a few of his sermons. I will share this with our church this Sunday as a part of my sermon...
View Articlegoing to new orleans
Even three years after hurricane Katrina, there is much rebuilding work yet to do in New Orleans as this video from the Center for American Progress indicates …...
View Articlenational day of witness to ban torture
Religious leaders urge President-elect Obama to ban torture
View Articlevoting for obama is a mortal sin?
Statement from The Rev. Susie B. Smith On The Controversy Surrounding St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Greenville
View Articleobama’s choice of rick warren
But Obama, I think, genuinely wants to do something new, something different, not to represent this constituency or that advocacy group, but to work hard at getting people talking with each other, not...
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